What to Keep in Mind When Shopping for Shower Doors

When starting any sort of bathroom remodel or design, it’s important that you start looking at and picking out the details and finishes. If you’re in the market for new shower doors in Calgary, then it’s essential that you keep the following in mind while you shop.

Pick Your Shower Door Style

You want to be sure that the style of door you select – whether a typical pivot door or a sliding one – best fits into the space it’s going to occupy. You don’t want to buy a shower door and then find out that it’s not going to work for what you need. If your doing a tub and shower combination, then a sliding glass door would work best, whereas a pivot door would work best for a narrow stall or a standalone shower.

Measure Twice, Order Once

As the saying goes for anything in construction and renovation, you want to measure twice and cut once. Make sure that you take careful and detailed measurements of the opening where the shower door will be going, to be sure that it’s going to ultimately fit nice and neatly into place. It’s important that you take the size at its widest into consideration and use the widest measurement of the opening when ordering or choosing your shower door.

Pick Your Glass Wisely

There are different glass selections that you can make that range from frosted to completely transparent and clear. Take a look at your space and decide whether you want to have more privacy while in your shower or if you want natural light to permeate the space.

Remember the Finishes

You want to have the hardware picked out to match the rest of your bathroom’s aesthetic. That means that you’re going to want to look at the hardware and track for your shower door and make sure that they match the rest of the bathroom’s aesthetic. Depending on your budget and the size and scale of the project, you might see this as a chance to begin anew.

By keeping the above in mind, you’ll be able to pick out the perfect shower doors for your new or improved bathroom with ease. If you’ve got any questions about shower doors in Calgary, then give King’s Glass a call. We have years of experience in installing shower doors; give us a call today!